Traffic as a factor of regional development : connections between towns /

In the process of European integration it is necessary to assure equal conditions that will enable partnership incorporation of regions on the joint market. Activity on a united market will depend on strengthering economic and social cohesiveness. To achieve this goal improvement of traffic connecti...

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Glavni avtor: Lorber, Lučka. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Suvremeni promet
Oznake: Označite
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Izvleček:In the process of European integration it is necessary to assure equal conditions that will enable partnership incorporation of regions on the joint market. Activity on a united market will depend on strengthering economic and social cohesiveness. To achieve this goal improvement of traffic connections between national networks, as well as access to the networks themselves, is vital. The development concept of traffic networks is to a great degree also dependent on the successful incorporation of Slovene regions in the European Union. Unbalanced regional development in Slovenia represents a serious hindrance to successful integration. Consequently with urban centres as a multiple of development it is of vital importance to assure infrastructure connections between marginal, stagnating and rural regions.
U procesu europske integracije potrebno je osigurati jednakopravne uvjete, koji bi omogućili partnersko priključivanje regija na zajedničko tržište. Djelovanje zajedničkog tržišta ovisit će o jačanju ekonomske i socijalne međuovisnosti. Za postizanje toga cilja nužno je poboljšanje prometne povezanosti između nacionalnih mreža, kao i sama dostupnost mrežama. Koncept razvoja prometnih mreža je u velikoj mjeri ovisan o uspješnosti uključivanja slovenskih regija u Europsku uniju. Neuravnotežen regionalni razvoj u Sloveniji predstavlja ozbiljnu zapreku uspješnoj integraciji. Zato je od vitalnog značenja osigurati infrastrukturnu povezanost između graničnih, stagnirajućih i ruralnih područja s urbanim centrima kao multiplikatori razvoja.
Fizični opis:11-15.
Bibliografija:Bibliografija: str. 14.