Learning through data mining /

Data mining has become extremely popular in practice. Its use in the classroom can be very helpful for exploring real datasets using data mining tools. The use of data mining adds more analytical opportunities for students studying different engineering disciplines. Data mining is a data-driven appr...

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Glavni avtor: Rizman Žalik, Krista. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Computer applications in engineering education
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Izvleček:Data mining has become extremely popular in practice. Its use in the classroom can be very helpful for exploring real datasets using data mining tools. The use of data mining adds more analytical opportunities for students studying different engineering disciplines. Data mining is a data-driven approach to data analysis. Data mining technology can be used for education purposes in order to understand and gain some knowledge which people working in the held gain from practical experience. A couple of exercises were undertaken using data mining techniques, to discover any possible necessity for GSM interface at stationary telephone stations and to discover the usual patterns of navigation through the web pages of the tested portal and to obtain guidelines for rebuilding for easy and fast information accessibility.
Fizični opis:str. 60-65.