Social responsibility and economic uccess of public service broadcasting Channel 4 distinctiveness with market orientation /

The idea of satisfying cultural and economic dimensions of a society is the crucial issue for modern public service media. Management of media organizations has become a very complex process. It is inevitable to anticipate different interests, technological changes, changes in regulation, and differ...

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Glavni avtor: Žilič Fišer, Suzana. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
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Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Public Service Media After the Recession
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Izvleček:The idea of satisfying cultural and economic dimensions of a society is the crucial issue for modern public service media. Management of media organizations has become a very complex process. It is inevitable to anticipate different interests, technological changes, changes in regulation, and different societal trends. A mixture of private and public management practices requires setting of appropriate criteria, and new management approaches for many public services. From the perspective of television institutions, these managerial practices are the answers to the challenges of the market: how to produce more with fewer funds in a very competitive market?The paper explores the issue of confrontation between the public interest, and the economic success of television organization. The idea of PSBis going to change as there are blurring boundaries between PSB and commercial broadcasting. Many authors open the issue of a changing role, and the position of television institution in a society since commercialization is the most common trend in all PSBs in Europe. Treating PSB as narrow elite and a cultural institution is becoming unrealistic. The paper explores the management approaches to fulfil the economic success, and social responsibility at the same time. The case of Channel 4, public service broadcaster in UK, explains why it is important to attract a broader range of viewers with its programmes while still catering for minorities with new digital services. This research enables the discussion of overall success of public service broadcaster which satisfies a remit while meeting the needs of different groups. The importance of the market share measures and flexible organizational structure of a publisher will be researched through broadcasting model of Channel 4. The idea of Channel 4 will be examined as a possible broadcasting model for a small European country Slovenia.
Fizični opis:18 f.