The signature of substructure on gravitational lensing in the [and]CDM cosmological model /

We present a study of the lens properties of quadruply imaged systems, lensed by numerically simulated galaxies. We investigate a simulated elliptical and disc galaxy drawn from high resolution simulations of galaxy formation in a concordance [and]CDM universe. The simulations include the effects of...

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Main Authors: Bradač, Maruša. (Author), Schneider, Peter, 1958- (Author), Lombardi, Marco. (Author), Steinmetz, Matthias. (Author), Koopmans, Luitje Vincent Ewoud, 1973- (Author), Navarro, Julio F., 1962- (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
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Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Astronomy & astrophysics
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