A facile route to the synthesis of coated maghemite nanocomposites for hyperthermia applications /

CM-dextran-covered maghemite particles for applications in magnetic hyperthermia treatments were synthesized and their physical, magnetic and morphological properties were examined. Magnetic fluids were prepared and their heating proper ies in an alternating magnetic field were studied. The results...

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Main Authors: Ferk, Gregor, 1976- (Author), Ban, Irena. (Author), Stergar, Janja, 1985- (Author), Makovec, Darko. (Author), Hamler, Anton. (Author), Jagličić, Zvonko. (Author), Drofenik, Mihael. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Online dostop:http://acta.chem-soc.si/59/59-2-366.pdf
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Acta chimica slovenica
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