Hydraulic sensors - from wired to wireless communication in three simple steps /

Complex modern hydraulic machinery has to operate 24/7 with minimal down-time.Therefore, it is very important that the machines are monitored during their operation and that their diagnostic systems are fast and simple to help the maintenance crew to find and fix the error as fast as possible. A pos...

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Main Authors: Les, Kristian. (Author), Tašner, Tadej. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Proceedings of International Conference Fluid Power 2013, 19th-20th September 2013, Congress centre Habakuk, Maribor, Slovenia
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Izvleček:Complex modern hydraulic machinery has to operate 24/7 with minimal down-time.Therefore, it is very important that the machines are monitored during their operation and that their diagnostic systems are fast and simple to help the maintenance crew to find and fix the error as fast as possible. A possible solution is a Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11g)-based Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), that uses existing industrial sensors for data gathering. A specially designed wireless module enables wireless connectivity of existing industrial sensors that are already operating on a machine. Attaching the modules to existing industrial sensors is done in three simple steps. This enables wireless connection to the sensors and allows automatic data logging to remote servers or real-time data acquisition from any Wi-Fi-enabled device, such as a smartphone, tablet or a PC. The application of Wi-Fi-based WSN is discussed in this paper, including a procedure for configuring new nodes, applying security to the nodes, power management of the nodes and practical usage of the WSN for industrial maintenance.
Fizični opis:Str. 261-269 : Graf. prikazi.
Bibliografija:Bibliografija: str. 269.