The contribution of different types of laboratory work to students' biological knowledge /

In Science teaching, laboratory work is recognized as one of the cornerstones. In school science laboratory work, computers can be used for computer-supported laboratory work (real) and for virtual laboratory work. Lower secondary school students aged between 11 and 15 years performed three laborato...

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Main Authors: Špernjak, Andreja. (Author), Šorgo, Andrej, 1957- (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Sygchrona Themata Ekpaideusäis
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Izvleček:In Science teaching, laboratory work is recognized as one of the cornerstones. In school science laboratory work, computers can be used for computer-supported laboratory work (real) and for virtual laboratory work. Lower secondary school students aged between 11 and 15 years performed three laboratory exercises (Activity of yeast, Gas exchange in breathing, Heart rate) as classic, computer-supported and virtual laboratory. When they were asked which method they liked the most, their first choice was computer-supported laboratory work, followed by classic laboratory, with virtual laboratory at the end. The contribution of these differing methods to the quality of the resulting knowledge is clear: there are no statistically significant differences between these laboratory methods.
Fizični opis:str. 246-254 : Ilustr.
Bibliografija:Bibliografija: str. 253-254.