Competences of educators in the kindergarten in the field of sport /

Pre-school period is the foundation of motor development, as the child's organism at that time the most exposed to the environment and also the most dependent on them. Children experience and learn about the sports activities mainly through the game, while the vital role is of the educator, tha...

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Glavni avtor: Muhič, Miran, 1961- (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Integrative power of kinesiology
Oznake: Označite
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Izvleček:Pre-school period is the foundation of motor development, as the child's organism at that time the most exposed to the environment and also the most dependent on them. Children experience and learn about the sports activities mainly through the game, while the vital role is of the educator, that gives a child basic information and prepares a conducive environment for their motor development. For the quality and effective influence on a child's motor development, the educator needs in addition to general skills also specific competences in the field of sport. In the present study was a sample of 229 educators in Slovenian kindergartens, through a questionnaire with 40 specific competencies, we identified those competencies, according to educators' importance to the implementation of sports activities in kindergarten. Based on the factor analysis we named seven groups of specific competencies that educators should have to work successfully in sport in kindergarten.
Fizični opis:Str. 264-266.
Bibliografija:Bibliografija: str. 266.