Urban groundwater ; Groundwater resources of drinking water ; Characteristics of intergranular, fractured and karst aquifers ; Aquifer recharge and discharge processes ; Degradation processes affecting intergranular, fractured and karst aquifers ; Application of artificial and environmental tracers for investigation of urban and karst aquifers: artificial tracers, stable isotopes and radioactive isotopes ; Groundwater flow and solute/contaminant transport in different types of aquifers ; Vulnerability analyses of intergranular, fractured and karst aquifers ; Climate change and demand management aspects of groundwater ; Protection of groundwater resources in urban areas ; Protection of drinking water resources - practices in Slovenia ; Discharge of precipitation water from roads - practices in Slovenia ; Vulnerability and risk assessment studies of the Ljubljana urban aquifer ; Strategy of groundwater resource management ; Optimal balance between environmental protection and economic use of groundwater resources ; Groundwater sampling techniques and in situ measurements ; Quantity and quality monitoring methodologies of urban and karst aquifers : 36 hours of lectures, Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility for academic yer 2015/16, presented at the Sveučilište u Rijeci, Gradževinski fakultet, Rijeka, Croatia, from 19. 9. 2016 till 18. 10. 2016 /

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Glavni avtor: Trček, Branka. (Author)
Format: Knjiga
Oznake: Označite
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