Gibanje serumskih vrednosti estradiola v periovulatorni fazi med postopki zunajtelesne oploditve v naravnem ciklusu : doktorska disertacija = [The serum estradiol dynamics in periovulatory phase in natural in-vitro fertilization cycle] /

Background: The aim of study was to determine if serum estradiol (E2) dynamicsin periovulatory phase can be used to predict the outcome of IVF in natural cycle and if this parameter is related to other already known factors that influence outcome of IVF in natural cycles. MethodsČ 234 natural IVF cy...

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Glavni avtor: Reljič, Milan. (Author)
Drugi avtorji: Vlaisavljević, Veljko. (Thesis advisor)
Format: Thesis Knjiga
Izdano: Ljubljana : [M. Reljič], 2001.
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