Teachers' view: the disparities between early English teaching in higher levels of primary schools in Slovenia : master's thesis /

Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati razlike v didaktičnih metodah in strategijah dela pri zgodnjem poučevanju angleščine (1.-4. razred) ter poučevanju angleščine v višjih razredih osnovnih šol. Teoretični del magistrskega dela sloni na preučevanju otrokovega razvoja in kako le-ta vpliva na učenje t...

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Main Authors: Čeh, Valentina, 1994- (Author), Tenko, Matea. (Author)
Drugi avtorji: Plemenitaš, Katja. (Thesis advisor)
Format: Thesis Knjiga
Izdano: Maribor : [V. Čeh : M. Tenko], 2019.
Online dostop:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=75028
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Izvleček:Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati razlike v didaktičnih metodah in strategijah dela pri zgodnjem poučevanju angleščine (1.-4. razred) ter poučevanju angleščine v višjih razredih osnovnih šol. Teoretični del magistrskega dela sloni na preučevanju otrokovega razvoja in kako le-ta vpliva na učenje tujega jezika ter kakšna je vloga učitelja prav pri tem procesu. Pozorni morajo biti na otrokovo osebnost, njegove učne sposobnosti in motiviranost ter v skladu s tem izbrati didaktične metode in strategije dela. Cilj empiričnega dela magistrskega dela je raziskati razlike v delu med razrednimi in predmetnimi učitelji ter s kakšnimi težavami se soočajo pri poučevanju.
Teachers are increasingly forced to upgrade their knowledge of working with young children, which can be seen in the enforcement of the 2004 Act that requires the implementation of the module for early teaching of English (Early Years Education module). Because the age of pupils is an important psychological factor influencing the choice of methods and strategies of teaching - especially in the teaching of a foreign language, the aim of our master's thesis is to determine how teaching techniques differ depending on the level at which teachers teach. Therefore, our research was conducted on 120 anonymous teachers, of which 50 were class level teachers of English and 70 were subject level teachers. The data was collected using an online questionnaire and included questions that covered the lesson preparation process, opinions on the usefulness of coursebooks and other materials, teaching techniques and interaction patters they opt for, and lastly, problems that teachers face in the classroom. Data analysis showed that class level teachers usually choose other materials and aids over coursebooks, which consequently influences the time they spend on lesson preparation. Furthermore, they have a higher occurrence of problems in the classroom and often prefer using teaching techniques that involve students in an interactive and engaging way, e. g. games and realia. In contrast, subject level teachers tend to opt for cross-curricular teaching, more individual and autonomous tasks, rely much more on the coursebook and its tips for teachers for guidance, thus they need less time for lesson preparation than class level teachers.
Opis knjige/članka:Nasl. na preliminarni str. in na ov. tudi v slov.: Razlike v didaktičnih metodah in strategijah dela pri zgodnjem poučevanju angleščine ter poučevanju angleščine v višjih razredih osnovnih šol v Sloveniji z vidika učiteljev : magistrsko delo.
Mentorica Katja Plemenitaš, somentorica Melita Kukovec.
Fizični opis:XVIII, [102] str. : tabele ; 31 cm.
Bibliografija:Povzetek ; Abstract.
Bibliografija: str. [94-97]