Rural transport and traction enterprises for improved livelihoods /

This booklet focuses on promoting transport and traction services as viable diversification enterprises for smallholder farmers and other in rural areas. It considers the benefits that can arise from such enterprises, not only for smallholders themselves, but also to local communities in overall ter...

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Main Authors: Crossley, C. Peter. (Author), Chamen, Tim. (Author), Kienzle, Josef. (Author)
Korporativna značnica: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division.
Format: Knjiga
Izdano: Rome : Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009.
Serija:Diversification booklet, no. 10
Online dostop:Connect to online resource
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Izvleček:This booklet focuses on promoting transport and traction services as viable diversification enterprises for smallholder farmers and other in rural areas. It considers the benefits that can arise from such enterprises, not only for smallholders themselves, but also to local communities in overall terms through increased productivity, improved and faster marketing, better mobility and reduced drudgery.--Publisher's description.
Opis knjige/članka:Dostopno tudi na spletu.
Fizični opis:VII, 92 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm.
Bibliografija:Bibliografija: str. 87-92.
ISSN:1810-0775 ;