Glasbena terapija in duhovnost v paliativni oskrbi : zaključno delo /

In my final thesis I will explore and describe music therapy in palliative care. I will be interested in the influence of spiritual music on the course of music therapy. In this thesis I will understand the term "spirituality" in the Christian tradition of spirituality and spiritual music...

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Main Authors: Fras Leva, Majda. (Author), Knoll, Claudia. (Author)
Format: Knjiga
Izdano: Kranj : [M. Fras Leva], 2018.
Oznake: Označite
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Izvleček:In my final thesis I will explore and describe music therapy in palliative care. I will be interested in the influence of spiritual music on the course of music therapy. In this thesis I will understand the term "spirituality" in the Christian tradition of spirituality and spiritual music as defined by the Catholic Church. Spirituality will be expressed in the form of spiritual music in the composition "Prayer in old age, Ps 71", and will therefore be a common point with music therapy process with a client in palliative care. Palliative care ensures improved quality of life to its patients and their families. That is why I wish to bring additional enrichment to the field of palliative care with use of music therapy, and to gain an insight into how we could make the patients' lives better through the therapeutic process of music therapy. I will follow the definition of music therapy in palliative care, which is defined as a creative and professionally substantiated process of using music and its elements in a therapeutic process for people whose needs are recognized on physical, psychological, psychosocial and spiritual level. I will describe music therapy process with a client in palliative care, where I use the method of clinical improvisation, which is one of the central methods in the field of music therapy. I will describe findings on three stages of transition in the process of dying in detail and then analytically compare them with the musical composition "Prayer in old age, Ps 71", which was originally - albeit in a different context - composed with the thought of the suffering at the end of their lives in mind. In Slovenia, spirituality in music therapy is not researched or presented. There are some foreign scientific sources and other literature accessible on the theme of spirituality, palliative care and music therapy, however, a particular use of music and its elements from the field of the original spiritual music - the Gregorian chant - is not described, so I will roughly describe it in this thesis. In music therapy practice in palliative care I occasionally intensively rely on the qualities of hagiotherapy, which can offer motives for spiritual, religious music and improvised melodic movements on the basis of rules of the Gregorian chant.
V zaključnem delu bom raziskovala in opisala glasbeno terapijo v paliativni oskrbi. Zanimal me bo vpliv duhovne glasbe na potek glasbene terapije. V terminu duhovnost se bom v delu omejila na krščansko tradicijo duhovnosti in duhovne glasbe, kot jo opredeljuje Katoliška Cerkev. Duhovnost bo izražena tudi v obliki duhovne glasbe v skladbi Molitev v starosti, Ps 71 ter bo tako skupna točka z izvajanjem glasbeno-terapevtskega procesa s klientko v paliativni oskrbi. Paliativna oskrba zagotavlja izboljšano kakovost življenja bolnikom in njihovim družinam, zato želim z glasbeno terapijo prinesti na polje paliativne oskrbe dodatne obogatitve in vpogled, kako lahko bolnikom olajšamo življenje z glasbeno-terapevtskim procesom. Sledila bom definiciji glasbene terapije v paliativni oskrbi, ki je definirana kot kreativen in strokovno utemeljen proces uporabe glasbenih vsebin v terapevtskem procesu za ljudi, pri katerih so prepoznane potrebe na fizičnem, psihičnem, psihosocialnem in duhovnem področju. Opisala bom izvajanje glasbene terapije s klientko v paliativni oskrbi, kjer uporabljam metodo klinične glasbene improvizacije, ki spada med osrednje metode v stroki glasbene terapije. Podrobneje bom opisala dosedanje ugotovitve treh stopenj tranzicije v procesu umiranja ter jih analitično primerjala z glasbeno kompozicijo Molitev v starosti, Ps 71, ki je bila že izvorno, sicer v drugem kontekstu, komponirana z mislijo na trpeče ob iztekanju življenja. Duhovnost v glasbeni terapiji v Sloveniji ni raziskana oz. predstavljena. Nekaj tujih znanstvenih virov in druge literature je dostopnih na temo duhovnosti, paliativne oskrbe in glasbene terapije, vendar konkretna uporaba glasbenih vsebin s področja izvorne duhovne glasbe - Gregorijanskega korala, ni opisana, zato ga bom v delu okvirno opisala. Pri izvajanju glasbene terapije v paliativni oskrbi se mestoma intenzivno naslonim na kakovost hagioterapije, ki lahko ponudi motive za duhovno, sakralno glasbo in improvizirana melodična gibanja na osnovi zakonitosti Gregorijanskega korala.
Opis knjige/članka:Na vrhu nasl. str.: Inštitut Knoll za glasbeno terapijo in supervizijo, Študijski program Glasbena terapija.
Mentorica Claudia Knoll.
Fizični opis:91 str. : note ; 30 cm.
Bibliografija:Bibliografija: str. 80-82.
Povzetek ; Abstract.