The role of self-efficacy, attitudes, social norms and institutional support in the use of modern teaching approaches and ict in higher education

University teachers' readiness for the use of modern teaching approaches (MTAs) and ICT is largely determined both by internal (e.g. attitudes, subjective norms and behavioural intention towards the ICT-supported MTAs, perceived self-efficacy, and knowledge) and external factors (e.g. learning...

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Main Authors: Kranjec, Eva. (Author), Breznik, Katja, 1992- (Author), Klasinc, Lucia. (Author), Kolbl, Jasmina. (Author), Puhek, Miro. (Author), Špur, Natalija. (Author), Frumen, Sebastijan. (Author)
Format: Software Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Edulearn20
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