Digital evaluation of the green leaf wall area of the vine in the "yellow muscat" variety

Dosage rate reduction of plant protection products, mixed with water (spray mixture) in a prescribed concentration in vineyards will be possible in the future, only by taking into account the natural properties of vine canopies (green leaf wall area). In a practical experiment in a vineyard, we eval...

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Main Authors: Berk, Peter. (Author), Urbanek Krajnc, Andreja. (Author), Stajnko, Denis. (Author), Vindiš, Peter. (Author), Kelc, Damijan, 1979- (Author), Lakota, Miran. (Author), Belšak, Aleš. (Author), Poje, Tomaž. (Author), Sečnik, Matej. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Actual tasks on agricultural engineering
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