Market orientation in the transition economies of central Europe: tests of the narver and slater market orientation scales /

The Narver and Slater (Narver, J.C., and Slater, S.F.: The Effect of Marketing Orientation on Business Profitability. Journal of Marketing 54 (1990): 20-35.) market orientation scale is tested in the context of the transition economies of central Europe and found to be both valid and reliable. Relat...

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Main Authors: Hooley, Graham. (Author), Cox, Tony. (Author), Fahy, John. (Author), Shipley, David. (Author), Beracs, József. (Author), Fonfara, Krzysytof. (Author), Snoj, Boris. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Journal of business research
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