Computational modelling of surface pitting

Surface pitting is a well-known problem in engineering and many hypotheses for modeling of this phenomenon have been proposed to-date. Early attempts to apply the fracture mechanics to the study of pit formation mechanism, led to very comprehensive computational models to be proposed recently. The d...

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Main Authors: Ren, Zoran. (Author), Glodež, Srečko. (Author), Fajdiga, Gorazd. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: WCCM V
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Izvleček:Surface pitting is a well-known problem in engineering and many hypotheses for modeling of this phenomenon have been proposed to-date. Early attempts to apply the fracture mechanics to the study of pit formation mechanism, led to very comprehensive computational models to be proposed recently. The developed computational model attempts to describe surface initiated pitting by accounting for different influential parameters. These include the normal contact loading conditions, friction between contacting surfaces, elasto-hydro-dynamic (EHD) lubrication, moving contact and fluid trapped in the crack. Simulation of the crack growth leading to pitting starts from the initial surface-breaking fatique crack. For a given application, the initial crack length and inclination angle towards the contact surface are estimated from experimental observations. The discretized equivalent contact model, containing the initial crack, is subjected to EHD-lubrication and frictional contact loading, while the crack faces are loaded with the constant pressure of the lubricant trapped in the crack by hydraulic mechanism. The Virtual Crack Extension and the Strain Energy Density crack propagation criteria in the framework of finite element analysis have been used for simulation of the fatique crack growth from the initial crack up to the formation of a surface pit. The computational model has been applied for simulation of surface pitting on gear teeth flanks for the purpose of comparing the computational and already available experimental results. The simulated gears have been subjected to the same operating conditions and loading parameters as were those used in the experimental testing. The computational results correspond well with experimental data, and show that considered conditions lead to the appearance of very small surface pits, corresponding to the micro-pitting phenomenon commonly observed on gears.
Opis knjige/članka:Opis z dne 24.VII.2002.
Fizični opis:10 str.