Biomimetic membrane arrays on cast hydrogel supports /

Lipid bilayers are intrinsically fragile and require mechanical support in technical applications based on biomimetic membranes. Tethering the lipid bilayer membranes to solid substrates, either directly through covalent or ionic substrate lipid links or indirectly on substrate-supported cushions, p...

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Main Authors: Lander, Monique Roerdink. (Author), Ibragimova, Sania. (Author), Rein, Christian, 1982- (Author), Vogel, J. (Author), Stibius, Karin B. (Author), Geschke, Oliver. (Author), Perry, Mark C. (Author), Hélix-Nielsen, Claus. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Langmuir
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