Danse macabre /

It was the middle of November. I was supposed to be out jogging, but instead I was sitting at my breakfast table talking about men, sex, werewolves, vampires, and that thing that most unmarried but sexually active women fear most... Anita Blake needs to be concentrating on a dangerous situation: the...

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Glavni avtor: Hamilton, Laurell K. (Author)
Format: Knjiga
Izdano: New York : Jove Books, 2007.
Izdaja:Jove mass-market ed.
Oznake: Označite
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Izvleček:It was the middle of November. I was supposed to be out jogging, but instead I was sitting at my breakfast table talking about men, sex, werewolves, vampires, and that thing that most unmarried but sexually active women fear most... Anita Blake needs to be concentrating on a dangerous situation: the ardeur-the sexual power that flows between Anita and Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City; and is reaching new levels. The unexpected effect of this is that Jean-Claude's own power as a master vampire has grown-and Richard, never predictable, is changing, too.
Opis knjige/članka:"An Anita Blake, vampire hunter novel"--> na ov.
Fizični opis:560 str. ; 18 cm.