A result concerning additive functions in hermitian Banach [ast]-algebras and an application /

Let ▫${\cal A}$▫ be a complex hermitian Banach ▫$\ast$▫-algebra with an identity element ▫$e$▫. Suppose there exist an additive function ▫$f:{\cal A}\to {\cal A}$▫ such that ▫$f(a)=-{a^\ast}af(a^{-1})$▫ holds for all normal invertible elements ▫$a\in {\cal A}$▫. We prove that in this case ▫$f$▫ is o...

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Glavni avtor: Vukman, Joso. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
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