Safety and efficacy of dicopper oxide as feed additive for all animal species EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) /

The compound under assessment, dicopper oxide, contains less than 86% copper (Cu). Dicopper oxide is a safe source of copper for chickens for fattening. This conclusion is extended to all animal species/categories provided the maximum authorised copper content in feed is respected. There is no indic...

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Main Authors: Aquilina, Gabriele. (Author), Azimonti, Giovanna. (Author), Bampidis, Vasileios. (Author), Ramos, Maria de Lourdes da Silva. (Author), Bories, Georges. (Author), Chesson, A. (Author), Cocconcelli, Pier Sandro. (Author), Flachowsky, G. (Author), Gropp, Jürgen M. (Author), Kolar, Boris, 1960- (Author), Kouba, Maryline. (Author), Puento, Secundino López. (Author), López-Alonso, Marta. (Author), Mantovani, Alberto. (Author), Mayo, Baltasar. (Author), Ramos, Fernando. (Author), Rychen, Guido. (Author), Saarela, Maria. (Author), Villa, Roberto Edoardo. (Author), Wallace, John Robert, 1959- (Author), Wester, Pieter. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
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