Determination of the critical pitting temperature and the critical ion (Cl-) concentration inducing pitting of AISI 304L stainless steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 /

Corrosion of AISI 304L stainless steel in aqueous solutions of 0.5 M H2SO4 + 0.01 M KCNS + x M NaCl was studied at different temperatures (25, 40, and 50 °C). The critical ion (Cl-) concentration (CIC) and the critical pitting corrosion temperature (CPT) were determined on the basis of characteristi...

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Main Authors: Fuchs-Godec, Regina. (Author), Doleček, Valter. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Acta chimica slovenica
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