Per aspera ad harmoniam astrum - sustainable (development) future of humankind - and systems thinking about its ethical imperative and the planet Earth - mother Earth

The issue of sustainable (development) future of mankind (SF from now on) is so complex (Blinc 1998) that it cannot belong to biology or any other natural or other science alone, it has very much to do with nature, society, humans and their thinking and feeling (Ecimovic, Mulej, Mayur 2002). Therefo...

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Main Authors: Tavčar, Josip. (Author), Zidanšek, Aleksander. (Author), Božičnik, Stanislav, 1951- (Author), Mulej, Matjaž. (Author), Potočan, Vojko. (Author), Ećimović, Timi. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Sustainable future, requisite holism, and social responsibility
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