Gender differences in relation between child's attachment to school teachers and his/her self-perception /

This study examined the connection between child-teacher attachment and children's self-perceptions, separately for boys and girls, in a sample of 120 first- and second-graders. The children's self-perception was measured using the Scale of self-perception for school children (SPSC; Cugmas...

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Glavni avtor: Cugmas, Zlatka. (Author)
Format: Book Chapter
Sorodne knjige/članki:Vsebovano v: Studia psychologica
Oznake: Označite
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Izvleček:This study examined the connection between child-teacher attachment and children's self-perceptions, separately for boys and girls, in a sample of 120 first- and second-graders. The children's self-perception was measured using the Scale of self-perception for school children (SPSC; Cugmas, 2002). Types of child's attachment were determined on the basis of the evaluations the teachers gave on the Scale of child's attachment to his/her teacher (CAT). Significant, albeit modest, connections between attachment to school-teachers and self-perceptions were established. Many significant gender differences exist in children's self-perceptions, attachment to their teachers, and in relation between their self-perceptions and attachment.
Fizični opis:str. 63-80.
Bibliografija:Bibliografija: str. 78-79.
Abstract ; Súhrn.