Regiment po cesti gre The regiment is on the march /

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Drugi avtorji: Golež Kaučič, Marjetka. (Editor), Klobčar, Marija. (Editor, Author of introduction, etc.), Kunej, Drago. (Editor), Šivic, Urša. (Editor), Pisk, Marjeta. (Editor), Ramovš, Mirko. (Editor)
Format: Avdio Avdio
Izdano: Ljubljana : ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC = SRC SASA, ZRC Publishing, cop. 2007
Serija:Iz arhiva Glasbenonarodopisnega inštituta = From the Archives of the Institute of Ethnomusicology
Oznake: Označite
Brez oznak, prvi označite!
  • Holchakermarš = Woodcutter's March
  • Fantje se zbirajo = The boys are gathering
  • Bitka pri Sisku (Turk če vzel nam Sisek bode) = The battle of Sisak (If the Turk takes Sisak from us)
  • Stoji, stoji tam Beli grad = Belgrade stands there
  • Prišu je taisti dan = That day has come
  • Triglav marš = Triglav March
  • Paršle so nove novice = Fresh news has arrived
  • Fantič sem star komaj osemnajst let = I'm a lad of barely eighteen years
  • Dons je eno frišno jutro = Today the morning is fresh
  • Ura bije, vedno gre = The clock strikes, it keeps on ticking
  • Pa le zdaj smo skupaj zbrani = And now we're all gathered together
  • Sonce je tak nizko sjalo = The sun was so low
  • Leži, leži ravno polje = A level field stretches out
  • Vojska po polji gre = The army marches through the fields
  • Cesar v kasarni stoji = The Emporor stands in the barracks
  • Vsako nedejlo zjutraj = Every Sunday morning
  • Radecki = Radetzky
  • Radecki je bil en fajn gospod = Radetzky was a fine gentleman
  • Po cesti mi gre jeden mladi fant = A young man is on the march
  • Je sonce obsijalo = The sun was shining
  • Naš cesar, naš kralj = Our Emporer, our King
  • Oj ta soldaški boben = Oh that army drum
  • Marš = March
  • Zdaj je pa pršu tisti čas = And now the time has come
  • Tam na karpatski gori = There in the Carpathians
  • Regiment po cesti gre = The regiment is on the march.